Feb. 28, 2011 – Beth Pedersen, President

Feb. 28, 2011 – Beth Pedersen, President

March 2011 BSA Newsletter (PDF) I just read recently that Mark Stevenson’s book “An Optimist’s Tour of the Future” borrows from Abraham Lincoln’s message in 1862 to Congress and speaks of disenthralling ourselves of ‘the dogmas of the quiet past’ in order to ‘think anew’. The article indicates that a key lesson of adulthood is the need to unlearn and to pose the question how many other false nostrums still infect my brain, unexamined, obstructing the arrival of fresh thoughts? We think that we know certain things to be true, but these things may turn out to be false and until we unlearn them, they get in the way of new understanding. It made me think of the so-called BSA Endowment. Many felt for certain…

New Art Experience Sessions at BPAC

Good evening. Thank you for your past interest in the Art Experience. We have set 2 new sessions at the Burchfield Penney Art Center. To accommodate busy schedules we are offering 2 parallel sessions on Thursdays (March 24 & 31 @ 6pm) and Saturdays (March 26 and April 2 @ 1pm) Retired director Ted Pietrzak will be joining the sessions. I have attached a flyer with all the details. Please indicate your interest by return email. Attendance is free (admission fee will be charged to non-members of BPAC) and will be limited to 12 people. Anthony Billoniabilloni@roadrunner.com716-923-3385

Mark Lavatelli – Exhibiting in NY

Mark Lavatelli – Exhibiting in NY

Mark Lavatelli will be exhibiting three encaustic diptych paintings that combine tree images and conceptual representation in a group show in New York entitled “Charged Brushes”, at The Painting Center (547 W. 27th St., Suite 500) from March 1 to 26, 2011. The opening is on Thursday, March 3rd from 6 to 8 PM. A show announcement can also be viewed at http://www.thepaintingcenter.org/exhibitions/charged-brushes.