“I’m tired of these generational events,” a neighbor said to me as we were shoveling out from the most recent one. I couldn’t agree more, and yet- like William Faulkner characters, we endure.
When I think about the history of the Buffalo Society of Artists I think about all that has occurred over the course of our 131 years. Covid wasn’t even the first pandemic, the Blizzard of 2022 was far from our first blizzard. For as long as I have lived in Western New York it has seemed to me that the secret of our endurance has been that our arts community has been a major part of why our quality of life is so high, and of course BSA has been a vital part of that community since 1891.
When I say arts community I mean exactly that, and all of that. Of course our artists- that is to say, most of you who are reading this- are at the center of our community, but that community also includes gallerists, collectors, and supporters generally. For me, the most important word in the name of our group is the second: we are a Society, with all that encompasses. For the most part practicing artists conduct their work in solitude. That is why a society of artists is so vital: it provides us with an opportunity to meet, converse, and learn from each other. We can, and do, expand our audiences with our exhibitions. We can seek out critiques and learn techniques at our monthly ArtLab program, at our studio visits, and through our Video Archive Project. But most importantly we can and should take the time to enjoy each other’s company in the presence of each other’s art.
So this is my New Year’s message: the value of our group is found in participating with our group. For the first time we have a physical location: come visit the Hunt gallery. We are working on a new website design that is easier to navigate and features a calendar that makes finding openings and exhibitions simpler. Use it. Promise yourselves that you’ll make a point of coming to our members’ shows. Promise yourself that you will treat yourself to this at least once a month, and that you’ll come to our other activities. Please join a committee to help advance our work and our mission. Commit to enjoying your membership.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all.

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