Exhibiting Artist Tami Fuller will lead a 2-hour beginnner’s class on the basics of Ebru Marbling at the WNY Book Arts Center on Wednesday, Feb. 28, from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Ebru, originating in Turkey between the 13-15th c. as an adaptation of previous Suminagashi and “painting on water” traditions of 8-12c China and Japan, is commonly referred to as Marbling in the west, where is most commonly associated with end pages (originally used to prevent forgeries and erasure and eventually adopted to include ledger edges). Fuller assisted her mother in her marbling studio, working with silk and satin, as a youth. She currently makes use of these skills, together with Suminagashi technique, as part of a “Music made Visible” vibrational soundscapes study. This class will focus on application on paper. A brief discussion of traditional cultural patterns, such as Italian marbling, will also be covered, with plenty of room to experiment.

This workshop is available to members of WNY Book Arts community at a reduced cost. See details on the Workshop page at WNY Book Arts online.

Image: Marbling series, “Anahata,” 2021, Tami Fuller

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